No One Gives A **** About Your Business
Contributed by
Vicki Lew
April 13, 2017

How many businesses are you a huge fan of? Do you actively advocate their services/products? Probably not all that much, right?
Now, let’s be brew-tally honest and turn that around: How many people care about YOUR business?
‘If you build it they will come’ no longer applies in this age of globalisation and accessibility. People don’t care about how you strive to be the leading blah blah blah, how many swanky offices you have, or how big your team is.
They’re Only Concerned About How You Can:
1. Identify their pain point(s).
2. Provide a solution to these problems.
3. Fix said problems better than your competitors – and then some.
It’s YOUR job to differentiate yourself from your competitors. Not by low-balling through price, not by being a ‘yes’ man or woman, not by promising the moon and stars, but by clearly communicating how you deliver value. And when I say ‘communicating’, it’s not just purely about words.
Communication Comes In Many Forms:
- Spoken/Verbal Communication
Face-to-face, by phone, audio media like radio and television
- Non-Verbal Communication
Body language, the way we dress, the way we behave
- Written & Visual Communication
Emails, chat messages, brochures, websites, even your business logo
Every touchpoint of your business is a form of communication; ultimately, all of them work together to form your business ‘packaging’, which helps your target audience understand the value you bring to the table.
So how do you know if your business communication needs some help in articulating what you can offer?
Here Are Some Common Tell-Tale Signs:
- You Are Really Good At What You Do, Yet Somehow Business Isn’t Coming In
You have plenty of experience and deliver great work, but a lot of business is going to your lesser-qualified competition. You’re feeling kind of fed-up and demoralised about the situation.
- You Keep Getting The Wrong Kinds Of Leads Or Referrals
You do A but people seem to think you do B. Attending to your leads and referrals ends up being a waste of time – you often go ‘Oh no!’ instead of ‘Oh yeah!’ when you get a new lead.
- You Find Yourself Having To Constantly Lower Your Prices/Fees In Order To Compete For Business
You are unable to differentiate your service or product from your competitors, which results in potential customers having no other comparison points except by the lowest price.
If the above is the story of your life, then it’s time to strongly consider getting a professional to review your brand and marketing communications. We love helping small and medium businesses who are great at what they do to stand out and beat their competition. Tell us about the challenges you’re facing to score an invite to our complimentary one-hour discovery session.
In a nutshell, remember that no one gives a damn about your business. It’s YOUR job to make them care. People are focused on themselves and in solving their problems.
Position and repackage your business to clearly communicate your value, and you’ll see an improvement in the kind of business you do.
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