Optimizing Technology To Acquire Skills For The Future Of Work And Entrepreneurship
Contributed by
Christine Miles Laberinto
March 3, 2019

Social media has continually changed the way we communicate and interact. It has offered tremendous unimaginable possibilities to keep us digitally connected to one another wherever we are.
We widely use social media tools for leisure, to keep up with the latest trends and updates, or to engage with one another. However, NOLITC Tech4ED center has upgraded its potentials to a more productive and entrepreneurial approach.
“I thought social media was only for recreational purposes, but I realized it is also a platform for acquiring knowledge,” said Miguel Anthony Visitacion, a trainee from NOLITC Tech4ED center.
Through the Tech4ED Platform, the Negros Occidental Language and Information Technology Center (NOLITC) Tech4ED Center introduced the Digital Marketing eCourse from the Connected Women WE-train, WE-match initiative to thirteen (13) trainees. From three (3) sessions of group discussions, the trainees learned about the essentials of Facebook Page creation, maximizing the Social media tools in online business, and Social media marketing.
Meanwhile, a self-paced learning using the Facebook Blueprint platform was also conducted to the trainees wherein they undergo assessment and evaluation for the course completion.
“I learned that it is possible to build business through Facebook and Instagram and they’re not just a place to post about our personal lives. I know now how to create Facebook Page and use it to promote business, and how important it is to build a good rapport with your customers,” said Angelie Gerona, trainee.
In fact, some trainees were able to learn practical tips on how to put up their business, and manage their Facebook page to expand their market reach.
“I learned how to manage my Facebook account and reach my business goals by leveraging my Facebook’s business page. It also helped me to better understand my audience and market with Facebook tools. It gives me a lot of ideas to put up my own business in the future and share it to my friends whose goal is to enhance their business using this eCourse,” said Glorigen Cristal, trainee.
“I don’t have my own business now, but maybe someday in the future I will. And I can use the knowledge I got from the course,” said Jane Manguilimotan, trainee.
Connected Women’s WE-Train, WE-Match is a nationwide initiative that aims to empower Filipino women and online freelancers with relevant technology skills to help them grow their businesses or get online work. The modules for learning have been provided by Facebook through their #SheMeansBusiness program and rolled out across Tech4Ed centers nationwide.
The Connected Women and Department of Information and Communications Technology Tech4ED Project are driven to empower women and online freelancers by providing them with learning resources to help them acquire skills for business and online jobs.
If you have a PC and Internet at home, you can access the FREE Digital Marketing eCourse by signing up at www.connectedwomen.co/we-train-we-match
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