Recipe Ideas: How To Cook Gochujang Chicken
Contributed by
Celina Tan
January 23, 2016
I take inspiration from my different eating experiences, whether they be at a tapas bar or the local hawkers, or from reading Tan Hsueh Yun’s blogs. I still have a newspaper cutting of her Gochujang Chicken recipe, tempting me with its charred edges and shiny deliciousness!
How do I create my own recipes? What is my thought process? A picture is worth a thousand words. I am often sold when I look at the picture, especially when it looks so good and relatively easy to make. From this picture, I instantly start thinking…
1. This dish is all about a good marinade: the right combination of sauce and spice, then enough time for it to soak in: about an hour. A little sugar will give this a hint of sweetness and a nice char.
2. Gochujang sauce is made from fermented beans, glutinous rice and sweeteners, but I also add Doenjang bean paste, which has a heavier taste. So a mix of each, and I learnt from Mom much earlier in my cooking life, that when using fermented beans (including tau cheo, tau si), also add garlic, some sugar, and soy sauce. I also add a tablespoon of Mirin (a co-ingredient in many miso recipes). Mix everything together and taste: adjust, then mix and taste again. I want a tablespoon of the marinade for each drumstick. It’s fun, and makes me feel smart like a chemist in a lab, and creative like an artist!
3. I use de-boned chicken drumsticks, because I love the dark meat of chicken; it stays moist with grilling – skin on, of course! And it’s easy to slice and plate.
4. The cooking process would be on a non-stick pan on medium heat, till a nice char develops on both sides. Then 5 -10 minutes in the oven at 150°C to make sure it’s cooked through. (If it is cooked through on the pan, the edges would be burnt and bitter.)
5. What do I eat this with? Fried rice, or noodles tossed in a sauce, or in a burger … but nothing soupy. Lucky for me, my husband loves to cook and we always have his kimchi and green sauce in the refrigerator!
Here’s a picture of our dinner: egg noodles in a raw green sauce and Gochujang Chicken with homemade kimchi … give it a try. Create your own recipe today!
This post was first published on Intimate Suppers blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author. Image from Celina Tan
Edited by Nedda Chaplin
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