Reduce Anxiety Naturally With GABA
Contributed by
Su Lee Chong
July 6, 2016
GABA (alpha-Aminobutyric acid) is a neurotransmitter in the brain that serves to block nerve impulses and regulate excitability. It, therefore, helps you relax, reduces anxiety and increases focus. GABA is the brain’s natural Valium.
What Are The Benefits Of GABA?
As GABA blocks nerve impulses, it prevents the over-stimulation of the nervous system; hence, it helps calm the brain and the nervous system. Below are some of the functions and benefits of GABA:
- Increases alpha brain waves, which promote clear thinking and focus
- Helps the body produce endorphins and serotonin, which are the feel-good hormones
- Encourages the pituitary gland to produce the growth hormone
- Promotes muscle growth and helps burn fat
- Stabilises blood pressure
- Reduces Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
What Are The Factors That Affect GABA Production In The Brain?
- Reduced levels of glutamic acid/glutamate, which is the precursor of GABA
- Chronic stress
- Lack of sleep
- Low progesterone
- Exposure to mercury, lead and electromagnetic radiation
- Alcohol withdrawal
- Too much caffeine
- Too much loud noise
Supplementation of GABA at a dosage of 800mg a day has been found to help lower anxiety. However, there are doubts whether the oral intake of GABA as a supplement actually penetrates through the blood brain barrier into the brain cells and the nervous system.
Some foods help to increase the production of GABA in the body, and they help the body reduce anxiety and increase focus. Therefore, one of the primary strategies would be to consume enough of the types of food that will do that. They include:
1. Green Tea
Green tea contains the amino acid, L-Theanine, which helps to create alpha brain waves. Theanine increases the transportation of glutamate into the brain cells, which facilitates more production of GABA in the brain. Amongst the different types of tea, Matcha green tea has the highest content of amino acid L-Theanine.
2. L-Theanine Supplements
L-Theanine can cross the blood brain barrier more easily than GABA itself. Therefore, supplementation of L-Theanine helps to increase the production of GABA in the brain cells. A good source of L-Theanine is Bios Life E, a product from Unicity.
3. GABA-Stimulating Food
Food that has ingredients, such as glutamic acid and glutamate, which are precursors for the production of GABA in the brain, include:
- Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables that are not processed. They are more difficult to digest and have a high source of glutamic acid and glutamate. Examples of such foods are almonds, beef liver, broccoli, mackerel, rice bran, spinach and walnuts.
- Vitamin B complex, in particular B6 and B12, also help boost the production of GABA in the brain. Food that is a rich source of vitamin B complex are bananas, figs, broccoli, kale and spinach.
4. Exercise
Physical activities increase the levels of GABA in the brain. That explains why you feel relax after exercising. Exercise also helps to tone the muscles and burn fat, due to higher levels of GABA in the body.
5. Fermented Foods
GABA is produced by lactobacillus and monascus bacteria in fermented food, such as kimchi, yoghurt, cheese and soy beans.
As you can see, the benefits of GABA for your brain and well-being are extensive. You can use the above ways to relieve anxiety, and improve your mood and focus. Do you know of any other ways to boost GABA in your brain? Share your thoughts in the comments box below.
Visit Look Good Feel Great Always to find out more about Su Lee’s work.
This post was first published on Look Good Feel Great Always blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
Edited by Nedda Chaplin
Image credit: Almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts in wooden bowls on wooden background from Shutterstock
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