Reiki Principle For Daily Living: Just For Today, I Will Count My Blessings
Contributed by
Pamposh Dhar*
July 26, 2016
This is a simple daily practice that can itself become a blessing in your life!
Life brings good and bad, joy and sorrow, to everyone. What we choose to dwell on becomes a bigger part of our reality. When we focus on things that are not going well, we tend to become sad, angry or frustrated. When we put our attention on the best parts of our lives, we feel happy and, yes, blessed.
We cannot close our eyes to the realities of our life, whether good or bad. Therefore, I say: See everything, deal with whatever you need to deal with, but then choose what you want to dwell on.
And why not dwell on the things that make you happy? Spend five or 10 minutes a day acknowledging the things you have in life and you will see how your mind shifts from focusing on what is lacking in your life to dwelling on what you have going for you.
This is an excellent exercise to do with your children, too, especially if you are worried that they are growing up in a culture of entitlement.
In my work with children, I have heard them list the most unexpected things: life itself, my nice home, education, my two eyes, my family, my friends. All they need is a little impetus to get them started.
Edited by Nedda Chaplin
Image credit: Asian woman sitting on wooden chair in the public park for relax time from Shutterstock
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