Revitalize While At Work
Contributed by
Liza Rowan
February 28, 2017
Once of the reasons I decided to make Revitalize-in-5! available online is that so many working ladies here in Singapore were very interested in improving their health and nutrition, but due to work commitments were unable to make the day course.
Harshita Kohli recently participated in Revitalize-in-5!, even though she is extremely busy with work commitments, including international travel and often having to participate in late night conference calls. I had the opportunity to ask Harshita some of the questions that I often get asked from working ladies – read on!
Why did you sign-up to the Revitalize-in-5! nutrition course? (e.g. Three things you wanted to achieve)
My most important goal was to inculcate a lifestyle change with food and how we consume it – understanding nutrition, labels, organic, etc. I also wanted to learn how to be more mindful in what and when I was eating, given the nature of my busy professional life.
Now that you’ve completed the course, did you achieve these?
I definitely feel I have a better understanding, and am equipped with tools to stick to my goals. I won’t say I have achieved them – yet! – but I have found the tricks and habits to stay on track consistently.
What are the other things you got out of the course?
I enjoyed the exchange of recipes, tips, and other nutrition-associated information which allows for that holistic lifestyle change.
What did you enjoy most about taking Revitalize-in-5!?
I loved the fact that Liza gives you all the tools and information in bite-sized portions, making things easy to follow and stick to. The health journal is a big winner too! In addition, her check-ins over five weeks help one stay on-track, without the pressure that some other places make you feel. It’s like having a personal cheerleader constantly egging you to achieve your goal and stay on track!
How much time did you need to invest in the course daily?
I spent 30-45 minutes on it, as I often got distracted with other videos and awesome recipes.
As you’re working full-time, and often travel with work, what was your biggest challenge in taking the course?
I think making sure that I took the time every single day – and some days that was difficult, and I couldn’t. However, I made sure I never skipped more than one day, and caught up on the material the following day. That allows you to constantly educate yourself and apply that as you go along.
What advise would you give to other working ladies considering taking the course?
It’s not easy to be healthy while trying to work, run a home, and have a social life. Don’t look at this course as a diet or a quick way to lose weight. Look at it more as an attempt to get to know the tricks of the trade that will allow you to make little changes, which over time become a lot! And before you know it, you will be making healthy choices and being a lot more active without it being a conscious effort.
Any other comments?
Liza has been such an awesome guide in helping me get a new perspective on nutrition and better eating. I’m so glad to have met her!!
Would you like to learn more about sugar and understanding nutrition labels?
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