September Events At Woolf Works: 5th, 7th, 8th, 17th, 21st, 22nd

Here are the events happening at Woolf Works during the month of September. We hope to see you there!

september 5th – Cyclic Meditation

What’s it all about?

Many of the ills of modern life stem from heightened stress levels that affects our bodies’ immune response – creating imbalances. Yoga and meditation techniques are used to both restore and enhance the body’s ability to heal itself. Come along to this session for a taste of cyclic meditation!

What we will cover

Cyclic meditation is a practice that alternates stimulation and relaxation to take your body and mind into progressively deeper rest. Discover the connections between your mind and body, as we are guided in simple yoga postures designed to stimulate our senses and prepare us for deeper layers of silence and relaxation.


Event Details:

Date: Monday, September 5, 2016 @ 6:30pm
Venue: #05-01, 19 Carpenter Street, Singapore
Fee: 20 SGD
Contact person: Libby
Contact person’s email: [email protected]


september 5th – Unlock The Mystery of Method Acting

What’s it all about?

Explore the basics of method acting that is most associated with Lee Strasberg (1901-1982), master-teacher and artistic director of The Actors Studio. Practitioners of Strasberg’s technique are referred to as “method actors”. Method actors who have won Academy Awards include Daniel Day-Lewis, Meryl Streep, and Marlon Brando.

What we will cover

This is an introduction to the method acting training techniques that can enable you to access your creative instincts and build confidence in the way you communicate. We will be gaining a brief understanding of the basics of acting preparation and performance in a safe and non-judgemental environment amongst like-minded people.


Event Details:

Date: Monday, September 5, 2016 @ 8:15pm
Venue: #05-01, 19 Carpenter Street, Singapore
Fee: 20 SGD
Contact person: Libby
Contact person’s email: [email protected]


september 7th – Members’ Lean-In Circle

Members’ Lean-In Circle Series @ Carpenter Street

A few months ago, we launched a peer-to-peer support and goal acceleration group in the spirit of the Lean-In Circles. With just a small group of eight, we’ve come together once a month engaging in in-depth discussions on personal leadership topics in the context of a structured facilitated session. More than anything, in sharing our stories and journey over the months, we’ve bonded as a team. Cheering each other on, keeping each other honest and taking an extra step reaching out – to encourage each other in reaching our goals.

We’re kicking off our next series of Woolf Works Members’ Lean-In Circle on Wednesday, 7th of September 3-5pm at Carpenter Street. The sessions are free and open to all memberships after registration.

Are you a member of Woolf Works and interested in being a part of this?
Following great interest in the sessions by non-members, we’re also launching a Woolf Works Lean-In Community: Open to everyone, less intimate in character, and in the evening time. It is a slightly different concept, inviting our extended network.


Event Details:

Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2016 @ 3:00pm
Venue: #05-01, 19 Carpenter Street, Singapore
Fee: Free Registration
Contact person: Nadine
Contact person’s email: [email protected]


september 7th – Express Sweat Sesh With ETL

Eat Train Love comes to Woolf Works’ fabulous roof terrace for an early evening sweat session! Based on their signature classes, this 45 min EXPRESS session will give you the boost you need to get through to the weekend. By combining conditioning exercises with cardiovascular intervals and core work, you will challenge your strength, speed and coordination, functional mobility and, of course, fire up your core.

All levels are welcome and the class includes a quick stretch at the end. Shoes and towel required.

Free Trial Session

Maximum of 20 participants. Please register so we can account for numbers.

Event Details:

Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2016 @ 5:30pm
Venue: #05-01, 19 Carpenter Street, Singapore
Fee: Free Registration
Contact person: Sandy
Contact person’s email: [email protected]


september 8th – Parent/Writer: Making A Creative Life

How do lead caregivers squeeze in time to cultivate their craft between childcare, home care, and a day job? This two-hour workshop for writers (or other creative professionals) will offer practical strategies for staying fulfilled as an artist and a parent.

We will read a number of short essays and poems about the intersection of art and care work, write and share several of our own pieces (created in the workshop)!

This workshop will not only arm you with time-management and goal-setting tools but will also help you battle impostor syndrome and recognize the importance of self-care.

About The Organizer

Pooja Makhijani is the editor of Under Her Skin: How Girls Experience Race in America (Seal Press), an anthology of essays by women that explores the complex ways in which race shapes American lives and families. She is also the author of Mama’s Saris (Little Brown Books for Young Readers), a picture book. Her bylines have appeared in
The New York Times, The Village Voice, The Rumpus, Serious Eats, Paste Magazine, Asymptote, The Washington Post, Lucky Peach, and BuzzFeed among others. Pooja lives in Singapore with her partner, her daughter, an antique typewriter, and too many books.

Woolf Works Members get discounted tickets. Please make sure to log in to avail discounts.

See you there!


Event Details:

Date: Thursday, September 8, 2016 @ 6:00pm
Venue: #05-01, 19 Carpenter Street, Singapore
Fee: Members – 35 SGD
General Public – 40 SGD
Contact person: Sandy
Contact person’s email: [email protected]


september 17th – Shut Up and Write

Hello, late-night writers.
Hello, full-time corporates with a writing passion on the side.
Hello, mums with too many kids under foot during the week.
Hello, lonely writer, are the walls caving in on you?

Introducing Shut Up and Write, at Woolf Works.

A time and space for writers to come together on a Saturday and write. To use the sound of other fingers tapping on laptops to fuel your own fingers; to carve out a set time in the week to just DO IT. To write.

No set topics; no peer reviews.

A beautiful space, with great coffee and tea on free flow.

A spot in your schedule that is for YOU to do that blog post, short story, memoir, article, or essay that you have been planning.

To meet others who share your passion.

Once a month on a Saturday, 10 – 4pm


Event Details:

Date: Saturday, September 17, 2016 @ 10:00am
Venue: #05-01, 19 Carpenter Street, Singapore
Fee: Members – 10 SGD
General Public – 20 SGD
Contact person: Sandy
Contact person’s email: [email protected]


september 21st– Woolf Works Wednesdays: Parenting As A Working Parent

Woolf Works Wednesdays are always a great way to meet the women (and men are also welcome!) of our wider community – we are a diverse and creative bunch! We are also a friendly bunch, so please feel free to come along on your own or with a group of friends.

Weather gods permitting, we will be enjoying our evening on our wonderful roof terrace. Come along and check it out!

Our guest speaker this month is Cornelia Dahinten, a parenting coach and the founder of Conscious Parenting Training.

Cornelia is a mother to three kids and a certified hypnotherapist, with a special interest in brain development and neuroscience.

She will be talking about ‘Parenting as a Working Parent” – challenges and tips around better communication and connection with your children when time is limited.

Evening Schedule:
7pm: Doors open, networking, light snacks
7.45pm: Welcome, introductions, ‘Who’s In The Room’
8.15pm: Our speaker
9:00pm onwards: Get social, stick around!

Ticket price includes a glass of wine and light snacks.

Woolf Works Members get discounted tickets, please make sure you are logged in so you can purchase at members’ price.

Thanks to our wine partners: Merchants, a wine cellar, bar and bistro on Joo Chiat Rd who will be bringing some of their gorgeous Australian boutique wines.

Event Details:

Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 @ 7:00pm
Venue: #05-01, 19 Carpenter Street, Singapore
Fee: Members – 15 SGD
General Public – 20 SGD
Contact person: Sandy
Contact person’s email: [email protected]


september 22nd– Community Lean In Circle

Please see full details about this Lean-In Circle on our blog post here.

We’re not looking to create another networking opportunity.

We’re creating circles of peer-support to ignite bold, brave, unapologetic self-reflection and action – based on The Lean-In Circle method and Centred Leadership framework. This is a tribe of authentic women fierce in pursuing their personal and professional goals, and with compassion to see other women rise and shine.

Be part of the tribe, join our monthly evening sessions.

The evening provides a structured facilitated session, and you can expect a thought-provoking opening followed by goal-orientated conversations in a sphere of trust.

See you there!

Event Details:

Date: Thursday, September 22, 2016 @ 7:00pm
Venue: #05-01, 19 Carpenter Street, Singapore
Fee: Members – Free Registration
General Public – 15 SGD
Contact person: Sandy
Contact person’s email: [email protected]


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Michaela Anchan

Michaela Anchan is the founder of Woolf Works, a co-working space dedicated to women. She started the space as she saw a need for women to escape the domestic sphere and all its distractions. Woolf Works is a calm, relaxed space to work productively and be part of a community of like-minded women. Michaela spends her days trying to build the community of Woolf Works and exploring ways to bring value to her current members. Sometimes, she finds a quiet afternoon to work on her Great New Zealand Novel, or a short story. Connect with her below!

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