Set Big, Bold And Beautiful Goals
Contributed by
Yana Fry
July 29, 2016
Are you one of those people who wants to have a lot of money and success yet still preserve love and happiness? Welcome to my world!
I live my life surrounded by very happy and successful people who are loving human beings with a deep desire to contribute to society. I have coached them, interviewed them, and written about them. I found out that there is one thing that sets them apart from others.
Ready? Here we go!
Goal Setting
They set big, bold and beautiful goals.
I have travelled all over the world, and it always amazes me how similar, yet also different, our cultures are when it comes to goal setting. In the West, people talk about goal setting from an achievement and success point of view. Meanwhile, those in the East talk about goal setting from a co-creation and oneness point of view. Everywhere, successful people have dared to scare themselves by setting big, bold, and beautiful goals.
You may already know that I have a very strong affinity for India, and I travel there often and study its culture and philosophy. In the famous text The Bhagavad Gita, a 700-verse Hindu scripture in Sanskritstates, “Everything is created in the world twice. First – in your mind.”
This quote was “borrowed” by many people from Napoleon Hill to Robin Sharma, yet it still has the same meaning. In one sentence, “Before you will be able to achieve something big, you have to allow yourself to picture that goal in your mind. If you can clearly see it in your mind, you will be given all required resources and opportunities to make it a reality.”
You are the centre of your universe after all. Stop denying it and start actively co-creating the world around you. The same principle applies to all goals. The size of your goal is a direct reflection of your level of confidence, love, and success. The more successful you are, the more you love yourself and the more confident you are, the bigger and bolder your goals will be.
Do you want to hear a secret?
The world wants you to set bigger goals. Here is the trick: the bigger your goal is, the more resources and opportunities you will attract to fulfil it.
You want money to feed your family? You receive $$.
You want money to contribute to your neighborhood? Get ready for $$$$.
You want money to impact society? $$$$$$ rolls in!
It is just how the world works. When you set a goal that will benefit not only you and your immediate family members but also a larger number of people, you will be given more.
As Joe Vitale, the author of Zero Limits said, “A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot.” That’s why your goal must scare you a little. If it doesn’t scare you, it means you are still inside of your comfort zone. If you have been reading my blog posts long enough, you know that there is no growth and success inside of your comfort zone.
Give yourself permission to set bigger goals. You know what I mean – the ones that give you a huge boost of energy and creativity, keep you awake at night and make you go that extra mile to achieve them. When you set big goals you are fulfilling your purpose, you are growing, and moving towards a higher, better, happier self. In return, you will get all those financial rewards and the level of success (or maybe even fame) that you are looking for.
Ask yourself now: “What is my bigger goal this year; in five years; in my lifetime?”
I know mine: to publish a book, to work with the president and to leave a legacy.
What are yours? Allow your imagination to fly. Put your fears and ego aside for the moment. What would you do if you weren’t afraid and if you didn’t have to know how? Write it down.
I know it scares you or maybe you think it is crazy to even think about it. But ask yourself: Why not? Why not me? Why not now? After all, someone has to write a book, work with the president and leave a legacy. Why not me? Why not you?
P.S. Do check out my “People Power” website as I share 8 tips you can use to network and connect with high-power people.
This post was first published on Yana Fry blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
Edited by Nedda Chaplin
Image credit: woman run to heaven from Shutterstock
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