Sustenance & Soul – Mindful Dining and Meaningful Conversations – June 3rd
Contributed by
Pauliina Salmenhaara
May 30, 2016
We, Pauliina and Anna, were tired of dinners that drained us and workshops that told us what to do but didn’t give us space to connect with others or help us explore what things really meant to us. Pauliina’s love of food and spirit met Anna’s love for connective conversation and soul. In this intersection, Sustenance & Soul was born.
Our vision is to create a space and time – four hours in a private location – that give each of you a space to connect and grow within yourself, with food to nourish you. The results of Sustenance & Soul will surprise you. They are likely to delight you. Stress will decrease. Opportunities will open up.
The theme of our first Sustenance & Soul is “From Selling Your Soul to Living Your Life”.
We’d love you to be part of our first evening.
Since we shared this concept on the 11th May, it grew from a meal with a theme to a meaningful way of changing the world. Intuition must have known this with the name of “Sustenance & Soul”. We will be developing this unusual concept further, so that while helping you we can help others, too.
June 3rd is our pilot dinner. We have something to celebrate. We are testing out our concept and we’d love you to be there and give us a wonderful testimonial of your experience.
Join this Sustenance & Soul, and be part of the founding dinner at $188 per person.
The Formal Details Of Sustenance &Soul:
Dinner prepared by Pauliina Salmenhaara, chef and author of Six Sense Living. A Wholistic and Intuitive Guide to a Whole New You (Q4 2016).
Conversation hosted by Anna Flinn, artist and author of Now What? Three Steps to Align Money and Meaning in the Well Lived Life (Q4 2016).
Dining Well
Pauliina: Raw food chef, holistic healer, and founder of R.A.W. Inside Out.
As a raw food chef, my focus is on plant-based dishes, designed as experiences to stimulate the six senses: smell, vision, taste, hearing, touch, and the blend of intuition, awareness and soulfulness.
Mindful dining bridges these two aspects. It creates food that nourishes all six senses.
“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”
– Virginia Woolf
Anna: Author, artist and founder of Booth Aster, Art to Lift the Soul
As an author, my focus is creating words that flow to give space to explore thoughts and who we are. As an artist, I create art as deliberate moments and spaces to clear, center and connect with your soul.
Meaningful conversation deepens our connection with who we are and our meaning in life.
“We should look for someone to eat and drink with before looking for something to eat and drink.”
– Epicurus
Join Pauliina and Anna for the first mindful dinner, where people gather in a cosy, private environment for authentic, soulful conversations.
Sustenance & Soul
Three-course dinner and curated conversation.
For our first evening and our celebration: $188
All dishes are vegan and gluten-free.
Event Details
Date: Friday, June 3rd 2016
Time: 8:00 pm
Venue: Pauliina’s home (address and the conversation starter will be sent to you upon payment)
Fee: $188/pax
Payment confirms your place at the table. Please use PayPal, sending it to [email protected], with your name and any dietary requirements. Payment is up-front and non-refundable.
Contact Person: Pauliina Salmenhaara
Contact Person’s Email: [email protected]
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