Swedish Embassy And Transcom PH Turn Over Desktop Computers To #ConnectedWomen
Contributed by
Connected Women
June 3, 2021

With the goal of providing more Filipino women with access to job opportunities and technology, Transcom Worldwide Philippines, Inc. donated 20 desktop computers to Connected Women.
The computer sets were officially received by Ruth Yu-Owen, co-founder of Connected Women, in a turnover ceremony held in Transcom ROHQ. The program was spearheaded by H.E. Harald Fries, Ambassador of Sweden to the Philippines, and Caroline Co, Transcom Senior Vice President and People Officer for the Global English Region.
“When we give jobs to women, we give them dignity. I appreciate that Transcom actually thought of us and the 75,000 women in our community,” said Ruth Yu-Owen. “We would like to thank Transcom and the Swedish Embassy for making this happen. I think this is very momentous. For us, it’s a symbol. It’s a symbol of hope.”
Connected Women is a social impact tech startup, which offers technology skills development and remote work opportunities to women. They provide affordable talent for businesses globally while creating an impact for Filipino women and their families.
Amidst the current pandemic situation in the Philippines, Swedish Ambassador Harald Fries likewise reiterated the importance of imparting the Swedish core value of social responsibility in our country.
“As Ambassador of Sweden, I am proud of Transcom. You’re one of the leaders of Philippine BPO business and you provide employment to thousands of Filipinos, “ he added. “You bring to the Philippines Swedish core values regarding social responsibility: sustainability, gender equality, no discrimination, [and] decent work conditions.”
As a Swedish-owned corporation engaged in global customer experience, Transcom has always been supportive of the Embassy’s activities.
On behalf of Transcom CEO Mark Lyndsell, Caroline Co likewise expressed her gratitude to Connected Women and the Embassy for providing an opportunity to inspire and empower women through personal and professional development.
“Transcom commits itself to promoting diversity, inclusion, belonging and equality in the workplace,” she added. “We look forward to our continued partnership in your future endeavors.”
Connected Women is proud to be recognised for creating meaningful progress towards achieving the sustainable development goals: Finalist – MIT Inclusive Innovation Challenge (ASIA), Finalist – RSA Future Work Awards (UK), Champion for e-Employment – WSIS (Geneva), Finalist – COVID-19 Action, UN Women, WEPs Awards (Philippines).
To partner with Connected Women on our initiatives, contact us at:
[email protected] or visit www.connectedwomen.com
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