Technology Is Killing The Art Of Face-To-Face Communication
Contributed by
Vanessa Jacqueline Dcruz*
March 1, 2017

We are now living in the 21st century, and technology has revolutionized our lives and activities.
From the use of home appliances to mainstream technological gadgets, we rely on technology to make our lives easier. However, have they taken over our lives in how we speak and think? I will answer this question by illustrating how smartphones have taken over our lives and controlled how we communicate with others.
In A Study Of The Usage Of Phones In Singapore, It Was Found That:
1. 80% of the population of Singapore use smartphones.
2. 18% use them more than 18 hours per day.
3. 97% carry their smartphones around.
4. 74% use their phones when their families and friends are around.
5. 8% do not use their phones when their families and friends are around.
As the survey indicates, we are dependent on our smartphones – one way or another. I do not deny that the applications being installed in our smart phones have made our lives easier.
We Can Now:
1. Book a cinema ticket without leaving the comfort of home.
2. Reserve a restaurant on-the-go.
3. Order home-delivery food.
4. Purchase our groceries online.
5. Read the news on-the-go.
6. Self-diagnose our medical health.
7. Call for medical health.
There are always two sides to a coin. While there are advantages to using our smartphones, there are also disadvantages. One disadvantage is that the use of our smartphones has been killing the art of face-to-face communication.
The Various Situations Some Of Us Might Have Experienced When We Encounter Someone Using A Smartphone Are:
1. A friend of yours who is communicating with another friend ignores you when you wish him or her good morning.
2. You have to call out to a family member via a mobile communication application for him or her to have dinner.
3. Everyone at dinner is busy using their smartphones for communication. There is no physical face-to-face interaction.
4. Children prefer to indulge on mobile games rather than having intimate conversations with their relatives.
5. Our colleagues prefer to communicate with us through an online mobile communication application, even though they are merely 500 meters away.
6. People in relationships break up via mobile online communication.
How have these activities affected the way we communicate with people? One aspect of the consequence of these activities is that our relationships become less personal. Less intimate conversations are becoming the norm. One would not truly be able to express his or her true feelings about a situation.
For Example:
1. One may feel neglected because his or her other half is always using their smartphone.
2. Parents find it difficult to have an intimate conversation with their children.
3. Parents neglect the care of their children because of their obsession with their smartphones.
4. Children find it difficult to open up to their parents.
5. The youth feel less empathy for others.
6. There is less development in social skills among the youth.
Conversations in the absence of mobile communications technologies are more superior than using a mobile device to communicate ( Misra, Cheng, Genieve & Yuan, 2014). People who have conversations in the absence of mobile devices reported higher levels of empathetic concerns, while those conversing in the presence of a mobile device reported lower levels of empathy ( misra et al 2014 ).
Brignall and Van Valey, in their study on the effects of technology among cyber-youth, have stated that in the pervasive use of the internet in education, communication, and entertainment, there has been a significant decrease in face-to-face interaction with people. This may cause significant consequences on the development of their social skills, and on how they present themselves.
In another study entitled In Alone Together : Why We Expect More From Technology & Less From Each Other which looks at how technology effects familial relationships, it was stated by Turtle ( 2012 ) that children complain about their parents’ obsession with smartphones and how they showed less affection with them. Families or friends sitting at the same table having lunch or dinner can be “glued” to their phones without striking conversation with each other. Isn’t that so weird? I would run out of the place immediately, if I were in that situation. I do not like to eat with technology zombies.
I have gone around to ask people how mobile technology has affected the way people committed with others. Here are the quotes that I obtained:
“ People have lost the ability to communicate with each other face to face. Just imagine, a breakup is now done by sending a message.”
“People hide behind technology to disguise their true self. You would not know if you are chatting with a man or lady.”
“People feel awkward to say good morning in lifts when they meet each other early in the day.”
“My son prefers to send me a message – when we are living in the same house!”
Mobile technology has really affected in the way we communicate with others. However, all is not lost. There are ways to reduce our usage on mobile technologies and increase face – to – face communication. I am leaving that to my next topic. Therefore, stay tune and have a great 2017!
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