TESDA inks partnership with Connected Women for digital training in Data Annotation for Artificial Intelligence
Contributed by
Connected Women
June 11, 2021

To engage more Filipino women in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), particularly for data annotation jobs, the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) forged a Memorandum of Agreement with Connected Women.
Through the TESDA Women’s Center (TWC), the Artificial Intelligence and Data Annotation (AIDA) Training Program—a no training regulation (NTR) program shall be implemented for the benefit of 1,000 women.
Learners may avail of the AIDA training for free with internet allowance from TESDA. More importantly, graduates of the program will be assisted and referred by CONNECTED WOMEN to companies for on-the-job training or for employment as data annotators.
“This collaboration with Connected Women amplifies TESDA’s guiding principle, “TESDA Abot Lahat”. We can reach out to more Filipino women from anywhere in the Philippines and provide them with skills that are relevant and needed in today’s digital economy. We hope to produce a thousand-strong skilled women who will be financially independent after their training with us. Much more, they will be valued contributors in our journey to national economic recovery,” according to TESDA Secretary Isidro Lapeña.
Under the MOA, TESDA will facilitate the entire training program—from admission, training, examination and institutional assessment under TESDA’s guidelines, rules and regulations. It will also provide monetary compensation for the training facilitator with 25 trainees.
Meanwhile, CONNECTED WOMEN will help TESDA improve the design and curriculum of the AIDA training based on the Competency-Based Training Programs (CBTs). The organization will also provide a trainer for the program as well as the learning materials, ICT tools and other technical assistance needed during the course.
“At the heart of what we do is our mission to make dignified and meaningful work accessible to all women, regardless of geographical location, race, education and financial standing. We are honored to partner with TESDA to empower women with the skills that drive the growth of the digital economy. We look forward to working together to ensure that no woman or her family is left behind,” said Ruth Yu-Owen, co-founder of CONNECTED WOMEN.
Connected Women (CW) is a organization composed of tech-powered women entrepreneurs, freelancers and professionals which aims to empower women with ICT tools for digital marketing and entrepreneurship.
The program is set to begin this month. Interested learners may register via TESDA Women’s Center online registration at www.twc.tesda.gov.ph.
Health and safety protocols under the New Normal prescribed by the national government, the Department of Labor and Employment and other government agencies shall be observed during the training.
Connected Women is proud to be recognised for creating meaningful progress towards achieving the sustainable development goals: Finalist – MIT Inclusive Innovation Challenge (ASIA), Finalist – RSA Future Work Awards (UK), Champion for e-Employment – WSIS (Geneva), Finalist – COVID-19 Action, UN Women, WEPs Awards (Philippines).
To partner with Connected Women on our initiatives, contact us at:
[email protected] or visit www.connectedwomen.com
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