3 Great Ideas For Honey Lovers
Contributed by
Joan Koh*
January 1, 2017
Wanna know a secret? We were never honey worshippers – until we tasted the raw honey we now carry at our store.
Raw forest honey comes from bees that forage in the wild, in the forest of remote Northeastern Laos. The environs are untainted by pollution of any sorts, and the honey is harvested by members of one industrious family, who like most locals, rely largely on subsistence farming for survival.
This honey goes straight from the hives to the jar, with some filtration by hand in between, of course. Neither mechanical process nor heat is introduced so the goodness of raw honey is intact.
Income from the sale of this honey has helped pay for medical bills, school fees and motorbike fuel.
Some Amazing Ways To Use Raw Forest Honey:
Digestive Aid
Combine equal parts lemon juice and apple cider vinegar, some julienned ginger, top bottle with water, add raw honey to taste. We always have a bottle of this in the refrigerator. Too much work? Add two tablespoons apple cider vinegar to water and raw honey to taste. Consume either concoction 15 minutes before meal.
Throat Soother
Our go-to recipe at the first sign of sore throat: Water with the juice of one lemon and two tablespoons of raw honey.
Deep-Cleanse Nourishing Face Mask
Combine equal parts apple cider vinegar and bentonite clay, one drop lavender essential oil and one teaspoon raw honey. Leave on face for 15 minutes. Great for combination and oily skin.
Do note hot water destroys the beneficial enzymes present in raw honey. Happily, our raw honey dissolves readily in room-temperature water.
Any day with honey is a sweet day!
Our delicious raw forest honey (250g) retails for S$13.90. It is available at our Balestier Road store and Swiss Butchery on Tanglin Road.
The ethically and sustainably produced merchandise at 100 Good Things are sourced with care, consciousness, and understanding.
This post was first published on live100goodthings Blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
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