Tips For Beating Stress In The Corporate World
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February 19, 2016
The corporate world can be a rewarding profession, but it can also be a tough and stressful environment to work in. The corporate environment can mean long hours, high demand, and constant deadlines. All of this pressure can quickly result in stress that seems never-ending, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Instead of finding yourself down and dreading going to work every day, there are ways to beat the stress and make work pleasurable again. Here are a few tips and tricks that might work for you.
Remind Yourself Of What’s Going Right
Often in the corporate workplace, it can feel like everything is constantly going wrong. The next time you’re having a day like this, try bringing your attention to what is going right instead. Maybe your afternoon meetings brought you nothing but bad news, but you landed a big deal earlier this morning that will bring you a lot of positive recognition from your peers. Just remember that one thing that went right and let it motivate you through the rest of your day and week, or as long as possible.
Keep A Tidy To-Do List
At work, it usually feels like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything we need to do. This might be true at times but managing a large workload can feel like a less daunting task with a prioritized to-do list and organized strategy for accomplishing the day’s tasks in an orderly manner. Complete your toughest task first, and get it out of the way for the day.
Take Three Deep Breaths
Deep breathing can have a huge effect on your stress levels. When you are having a stressful day, simply try taking three deep breaths and, as you exhale each time, imagine all of your problems and stress leaving your body. A minute later you will probably be feeling a lot better, and more prepared to handle your working day without unnecessary stress.
Keep A Healthy Work-Life Balance
For many people in the corporate world, work begins to take over their entire life. But you shouldn’t let it. Keep a good work-life balance by making time outside of work for the other things that are important in your life, too. Maybe that means making sure you are home at night to tuck your kids into bed, organizing leisurely activities, or even cycling on the weekends. Scheduling personal days and vacations throughout the year can motivate you at work, whilst still allowing you the chance to take a much-needed break. Time for leisure will put you back on track for success.
Take Short Breaks
Taking breaks at the office is important for both your overall health and your stress levels. A five-minute break is all you need to refocus and give fresh eyes to what may have previously seemed like an impossible task. Taking a break is also good for your health because many people in the corporate world spend so much of their day sitting behind a computer. Try to take a five-minute walk every hour or two, or take advantage of your lunch break and go outside for a short walk and some fresh air.
Relax And Rejuvenate
Everyone must find a method of relaxation that works for them. Whether it is yoga, meditation, a hot bath, or a long walk after dinner, find what works for you and do it often. In the corporate world, where much of your time is spent according to your company’s requirements and your responsibilities, it is important to set aside time for yourself, to rejuvenate in order to enter the office every morning feeling you are your best self and ready to take on the day.
Evaluate And Prepare At The End Of The Day
This is one of the most important steps. In order to end your day on a good note and prepare yourself for the following workday, take a few minutes before you leave the office to evaluate and set your schedule for the next day. Prioritize your to-do list, and try and set between three and four achievable tasks for the day. Schedule work around meetings, and always be sure to tackle the most important tasks first thing the next morning while your mind is most alert.
Remind yourself why you chose a corporate career and practice healthy stress relief until you find what works for you. Once you learn how to better manage your stress, the corporate world will feel like a much easier place to work in every day, and you will learn how to leave work at work when you leave at the end of the day. Work is important, but so is leisure time, so take breaks, enjoy your evenings and weekends, and remember to always set aside time for yourself and your loved ones. Stress is normal in the corporate world, but you don’t have to let it rule your life.
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