Too Busy? 4 Ways To Declutter Your Mind
Contributed by Zsa Zsa Bacaling April 20, 2018
So many things demand our attention. But do you know how to declutter your mind?
To-do lists that keep getting longer, scheduled trips and appointments, family affairs, and more. We are constantly thinking, brainstorming, planning, and organizing. The fact that we are bombarded by distractions doesn’t help. All these things keep us preoccupied and being physically, mentally and emotionally preoccupied can actually lead to burnout.
When was the last time you actually took a breather and intentionally decluttered your mind? To different people, decluttering can mean either of two things: clearing their space or clearing their mind.
De-cluttering the mind is the best way to break the busy routine. Not only it will help you accomplish tasks at a given time but it can give you a fresh new perspective and a renewed sense of energy.
So here are four simple rules to help you declutter that busy mind:
Identify the things you need to declutter
The first step is to identify what needs to be decluttered. You cannot organize your mind when you don’t know what to work in the first place. Write them all down according to importance and ask yourself which among the items you listed you can do away with or maybe work on at a later time. The degree of importance will determine its usability and necessity. You’d be surprised at the clarity writing down tasks can give you.
Now that you have already identified the things that you need to work on, start with the most difficult task and work your way towards the least difficult. If you had been spreading yourself thin, this time, you can breathe easy because you have broken down your to-do list into manageable mini-tasks. Keep a record your activities and assess yourself at the end of the day. How many were you able to cross off your list? When you see you progress on paper (or on screen), you can focus better and feel good knowing you have succeeded in decluttering your mind.
Take a brain break
Imagination may be limitless but your brain can only absorb as much. Let it rest. Excessive brain activity is not good for your mental health! A brain break is much needed to recharge, refresh, and regenerate your brain’s capacity to produce new ideas. We’re not talking about going on vacation (although if you can squeeze that in, that would be ideal!). We’re talking about a break that you can do in your home or even on your desk! A good exercise and deep breathing will help you slow things down. Take a walk, go to a quiet place, or have a good stretch. Relax your mind. Wherever your special place is, train yourself to make time for stillness and tranquillity.
Clear your space
You’ve broken down your tasks and taken regular breaks. But all these will be hard to sustain when your surroundings are a mess! Organizing your space can be a project that can take days, weeks or months depending on how much clutter you have to deal with. But here’s our advice: take it once space at a time – the top of your desk, a dresser drawer, or your computer table. It’s best to work on the area where you do most of your work. If your space is already neat and clean, why not add some indoor plants? They not only make great décor, they can also clean the air and give you more oxygen! With a clean space, you’re sure to work on your tasks better.
By decluttering, focusing and simplifying, you can work well and feel better about yourself!
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