What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger!
Contributed by
Yana Fry
January 23, 2018

I’m writing this blog post today in gratitude to all my struggles, my problems, my mistakes and all that I’ve gone through. It’s my hope that you’ll embrace the truth. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
Seems like an odd thing to say?
Let me explain.
Most people come to me because deep down, they have suppressed memories of their past mistakes, errors and struggles. They don’t wish to be reminded of it, or acknowledge it. They wish to delete it forever and wipe the mental hard-drive for good.
Unfortunately, unlike a computer drive, your mind doesn’t work that way.
When you try to cover it up, the thought doesn’t go away. It just goes into hiding — deeper. And from this hidden place, your unresolved thoughts and emotions continue to influence and direct your behaviour. That’s why people find themselves making the same mistakes again and again.
Something is unresolved.
The only way to cure yourself for good is to confront and acknowledge your past … and accept it.
Painful, yes … but it happens to be the only way to release its hold over your life. I had to confront the “ghosts of my past” one by one when I vowed to make a life-change all those years ago. I had to face every bitter memory and painful struggle – and release them.
These days however, I have a different view on the matter.
I’m in a good place now – with a thriving business, a loving marriage and a happy life … and I can now see that my experiences, struggles, mistakes even have led me to LEARN what I needed to in order to get here. If I hadn’t struggled and made mistakes, I probably would never be here. I would be another girl in Russia doing an average job, pining for a better tomorrow.
So I am now GRATEFUL for my mistakes.
And when I met challenges in life today, I don’t react with upsetness or anger. I know that when I overcome these, my life will be MUCH better. Mistakes can help you grow to a better place and be a better person.
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
I urge you to view your mistakes in a different light.
Wondering HOW you can actually do it?
Here are 10 real-life tips you can use to deal with the things you’ve tried to forget from the past:
- See how they may have aided you to get to where you are TODAY… they were not roadblocks but rather springboards to your better, more amazing life.
- Consider too what other MEMORIES you need to deal with and resolve … so you can learn the lessons and be free to move on.
- Remember you have done the best you COULD… it is time to forgive yourself.
- Recognize that OTHERS have done the best they could, too… it is time to forgive others.
- You have never missed an opportunity… you just made a decision that brought you to where you are supposed to be TODAY.
- Move from self-sabotage to SELF-REFLECTION… and all your mistakes with become precious gifts.
- In every drama there is an opportunity… simply make a choice to SEE it.
- Feed your White Wolf… you are BETTER than you think you are.
- NEVER use your mistakes as an excuse to live a miserable life… you can do better than that.
- It is never too late to CHANGE… as long as you are alive.
As you do this, you will walk on with a clear mind, open heart and revived spirit – ready to play hard in this wonderful game of life.
Rock on! And remember, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!
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