Why Hope Alone Is Not Enough And How To Massively Change Your Life
Contributed by
Yana Fry
November 16, 2015
Most people don’t succeed because they believe that desire is all they need, and they never put in the time to prepare.
I want to further elaborate on that concept, and show you a simple but powerful way to change your life forever.
I got quite a few emails from readers who wrote to me that they were greatly inspired by this article and that they had been just hoping and wishing for a better life, without actually taking practical steps to improve their situation.
This is my take on hope and desire: all change first begins with the hope and desire for a better life. There is nothing wrong with wanting and wishing for more. After all, if you don’t have that burning desire for change, you wouldn’t do anything to better your life. You would just go about things the exact same way.
Also, hope and desire are what makes us human. All around the world, people are looking into the future, hoping for a better tomorrow for themselves and their family. It’s just part of what makes us human. But my point is you can’t just rely on hope and desire.
When I was miserable years ago at the pit-bottom of my life, I dreamt of a better tomorrow. But I certainly didn’t just stop at hoping and wishing or else I would still be there right now! I took action and enacted massive change to take myself from my lowest to my amazing life right now. One of the BIGGEST things I did was I changed my social peer group and my environment.
And that’s the biggest lesson I want to share with you today.
Environment Is Stronger And More Powerful Than Will
You can be the most determined person, but if you work in a depressing environment and surround yourself with negative people, you are wasting your precious life-force swimming against the current. You'll struggle and end up nowhere. But if you change your environment and the people you surround yourself with, you will see MASSIVE POSITIVE CHANGE in a very short time. But first, you must be serious about change, and you must find the genuine courage to pick up your bags and move on. (For more tips on finding courage, read this). That's the hardest step in my opinion. But absolutely crucial.
If you're currently in an unsupportive relationship, you might have to move on.
If you're in a dead-end job with no better tomorrow, you might have to move on.
If you're constantly spending time with people that bring you down or fill your life with misery and angst, you need to move on.
Making these changes are painful and tough (I know because I have been there) but ABSOLUTELY crucial for your better life.
And here's the reality - if you make these changes, the odds are very much that not only will you NOT starve, disintegrate or be lonely forever, you'll likely be rewarded for taking action, you'll find more amazing people to add to your life and you'll move forward in ways you cannot imagine. The universe hates a vacuum and when you open up space for new, amazing things to enter - they will!
So as we end, ask yourself:
Am I surrounding myself with the right people?
Am I working and living in the right place?
Am I in a relationship with the right type of person?
And if you are not satisfied with your answers, make that change.
Your better tomorrow is an act of courage away.
I wish you the best!
Live Fearlessly,
P.S. Write to me and share your story with me. I want to hear from you!
P.P.S. For tips on how to manage your fears and endless mind chatter when you embark on this journey of change, read this post I wrote on how to defeat your "little voice."
Visit Yana Fry Coaching page to find out more about Yana's work.
This post was first published on Yana Fry blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
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