Why I Travel Part 2: The Adventure Deepens
Contributed by
Yana Fry
July 19, 2015
I hoped you enjoyed Part 1 of my travel adventures and the interesting, unique lessons I’ve picked up along the way.
My last post ended in the lush beauty of Switzerland where I went from being a neurotic, stressed-out Energizer bunny at the start of my trip to a peaceful, calm, centered soul by the time I ended my journey in the beautiful Swiss country.
From Switzerland, I jetted to Montenegro … wondering what more the universe had in store for me. I had learnt about change, letting go, being present and achieving clarity of mind and purpose.
Surely, that would it, right?
Stop #4 – Montenegro: It Only Gets Better
I land in Montenegro with the calmness of a nun who had been meditating for years in a temple. My stress and anxiety was long history. Montenegro was beautiful and amazing that I felt when I landed that my spirit just took flight.
Honestly, I have never felt so calm and peaceful in my entire life.
There was a church or monastery around every corner and the place just emitted a vibe of spiritual clarity … light, pure, clean — innocent even. It was so rare to feel that way in the world — almost like looking into the innocent, wide eyes of a baby.
For me, it was almost like a return to source and innocence, back when things were simpler and less complex. And maybe, things truly aren’t as difficult as we humans with our ever thinking complex minds make them out to be.
Maybe all our jobs on Earth is to do the best of our abilities that which we were put here to do, spread light and enjoy ourselves. It’s US who decided to complicate things. I truly enjoyed my time here — I felt young again … without a care in the world.
Stop #5 - Tanzania: I'm Tested!
I left Montenegro, almost feeling like I was leaving another world from another dimension. In that dimension, there was no strife, pain, argument or suffering. There was only peace and light.
I confess that I felt a little sad.
But I had a mountain to climb with my mentor, Blair Singer and that would be Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa.
And so I went ... EXCEPT it didn't go according to plan.
Looking back, I gather that the universe was trying to TEST me -- to see if I had fully comprehended the lessons I had picked up on my trip.
Starting with the fact that I missed my plane to Tanzania.
OMG! I felt the familiar sense of anxiety and panic rise up from inside me. I felt like things were slipping away once more. I found myself running around the airport, wanting to DO things to make something happen.
I forgot for a brief moment that the people in Tanzania don't work like this. They only respond if you are calm, collected and chill.
"Chill, madam, chill," they kept saying. And slowly, I found myself finding my center again -- taking deep breaths and relaxing once more.
I had passed my first test, almost. I managed to get a plane and reach Tanzania - only just.
Lesson learned: CHILL, Yana, CHILL!
Stop #6 - The School for The Blind in Tanzania: Making Connections, Spreading Love!
I finally got to Tanzania, where my mentor Blair and the rest of the team were already setting up and preparing for the climb.
To align us, Blair took us to a school for blind kids in Tanzania, and I instantly made connections with all the kids. It was almost like I could feel their spirit, and I found that inside every one of them -- they yearned for love and acceptance.
Just feeling that invisible connection that the naked eye cannot see showed me that at the core, us humans have a universal spirit, soul and language that requires no words.
All we need is open our heart to speak to each other because we all essentially want the same thing -- to be loved, listened to and accepted.
It was a truly moving journey... one that really summed up my entire journey over the different countries.
I had come almost full-circle -- from a place of self-centered anxiety and desire to control everything, to letting everything go and reconnecting with myself, to experiencing the clarity of spirit and purpose, to being tested and passing the universe's test to understanding the WHY I've been put on the Earth.
To spread joy and love, and form authentic connections with people and uplift them.
I end this blogpost with the deep knowledge that I'm ready and prepared for the daunting mountain that is Mt Kilimanjaro.
I know who I am, and why I am here. And I am ready to face my challenge.
P.S. By the time you read this, I would have been days into my climb. Wish me luck and I look forward to sharing more lessons I learned while scaling the peaks of Kilimanjaro.
Till then, take care -- connect with your spirit and follow your heart!
Visit Yana Fry Coaching page to find out more about Yana's work.
This post was first published on www.yanafry.com and has been re-written for Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
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