Why You Should Not Be The Smartest Person In The Room
Contributed by
Yana Fry
September 7, 2015
I’m very good at what I do – coaching people to connect with their full potential and bring their talents, goals and dreams into reality.
But there are MANY things I’m not good at.
I’m not an expert at fancy internet marketing whiz-bang.
I’m not great at doing graphics.
I’m not a spreadsheet goddess or a website techie.
The list goes on.
See, I wrote this post because many wannabe entrepreneurs never get started because they keep thinking that there’s something or some area they are not good at. They tell themselves that they will only start after they get “that” domain knowledge handled. Except after that one thing is learnt, there are like 9287123890 things more to master.
The world of business is ever-changing, never-ending. Frankly, you can never master it all. You can try, but you’ll wind up burning out.
I learnt that a long time ago. It took me hours to update my website, and my website programmer did it in minutes. I broke out in cold sweat just thinking about it; she did it in her spare time before picking her kids up.
Big difference.
In that instance, I learnt that it was NO joy (or advantage) being the most skilled or most intelligent person in the room. It was far greater to surround yourself with talented people – each masters at their own domain. Therein lies the secret.
Leverage and Synergy.
When you surround yourself with smart people, you have leverage because their intelligence, wisdom, and experience can greatly help you in ways you might NEVER uncover on your own. One small tip might shortcut you to success, saving you hours of pain and sweat trying to figure it out on your own.
Synergy is the next step. When you bring together several talented individuals, the intelligence in the team (and the room) multiplies many fold. Big problems get solved in minutes. New ideas are born. Solutions you might never think of in a million years are thrown out over lunch and coffee. This is why you must NEVER try to do it alone.
If you want to succeed, you need to start thinking TEAM every step of the way. You need to stop trying to do it all on your own. You need to give up being Superwoman (or Superman). Instead, you need to be a master at identifying quality people with the right traits, and persuading them to join you. The smarter they are, the more skilled they are at what they do, the better!
You know you're doing it right when you have a team of superheroes that have the skillset and the know-how to solve any problems that come up in your business.
So here are some questions to ponder as you start your journey to business success:
- Is there anyone you know who possesses a skillset that could be useful to your business?
- How can you establish contact with them, and persuade them to join you?
- What do you stand for, and what kind of people do you want in your organization?
- What areas can you outsource to quality people, instead of trying to do it all yourself?
The more you start thinking TEAM, the more successful you'll be.
I'm not the smartest person in the room - and you know what, I'm very proud of it.
Visit Yana Fry Coaching page to find out more about Yana's work.
This post was first published on Yana Fry blog and has been reposted on Executive Lifestyle with the permission of the author.
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