Pomegranate is well known for its health benefits, but did you know that there is also beauty in pomegranate? It's actually very good for your skin!
Su Lee Chong
Working on health goals is a lifelong project, and not just something younger people should focus on. Busy professionals get caught up in work, social, or family-related responsibilities, which are not typically geared towards better nutrition and increased exercise, causing health to quickly fall by the wayside.
Recently, our management team set about firming up the goals for the year. Everyone chipped in; there was plenty of whiteboard action and we found ourselves with some targets that were very compelling indeed. Job well done!
Callum Laing
I thought it would be mighty relevant to write about how you can find yourself a business mentor to help you navigate your way through life and business. From my experience, starting a new business can be tough and no matter what you do, you will have daily problems that need to be solved. These can become real issues if you mishandle them.
Yana Fry
Is your workplace filled with stress? Do you end the day feeling exhausted and upset, dreading going back the next day? Work stress is at an all-time high and, alarmingly, it is only getting higher.
Shirley Taylor
Possibly two of my favourite words – and who’d have thought that ‘chocolate’ and ‘biscotti’ would be synonymous with a healthy cookie?
Liza Rowan
She's passionate about personal development. She's a leader, an executive coach, and business trainer with more than 20 years of professional experience under her belt.
Malgorzata Grabarczyk
“Humans are not special because of their big brains. That’s not the reason we can build rocket ships – no individual can. We have rockets because 10,000 individuals cooperate in producing the information.” - Anthropologist Kim Hill, Arizona State University
Lydia Neo
Did you know that Executive Lifestyle is already 18 months old? In that short period of time, we’ve seen a number of our experts featured in various press and media publications. Now we want to share their success and inspire you, because you can do it too!
Amber Valencia