We asked for your nominations for the Most Influential Filipino Women on LinkedIn and from your responses we curated a list of the 100 Most Influential Filipino Women on Linkedin inspired by and in partnership with Virginia Bautista who has published formidable lists like these for the past three years.

We want to celebrate each woman individually, shining a spotlight on her positive impact, wisdom, and experiences.

We asked for your nominations for the Most Influential Filipino Women on LinkedIn and from your responses we curated a list of the 100 Most Influential Filipino Women on Linkedin inspired by and in partnership with Virginia Bautista who has published formidable lists like these for the past three years.

We want to celebrate each woman individually, shining a spotlight on her positive impact, wisdom, and experiences.

We asked for your nominations for the Most Influential Filipino Women on LinkedIn and from your responses we curated a list of the 100 Most Influential Filipino Women on Linkedin inspired by and in partnership with Virginia Bautista who has published formidable lists like these for the past three years.

We want to celebrate each woman individually, shining a spotlight on her positive impact, wisdom, and experiences.

We asked for your nominations for the Most Influential Filipino Women on LinkedIn and from your responses we curated a list of the 100 Most Influential Filipino Women on Linkedin inspired by and in partnership with Virginia Bautista who has published formidable lists like these for the past three years.

We want to celebrate each woman individually, shining a spotlight on her positive impact, wisdom, and experiences.

  In 2019, the United Nations released a case study on Filipino women and their role in information and communications technology. Based on its conclusions, the digital divide between genders has roots in inequities in all sides of society—historical, economic, sociocultural, and political. Even in this 21st Century, Filipino males dominate the IT field. In rural areas where families remain staunchly patriarchal, men have the means and access to purchase and maintain mobile phones.

We asked for your nominations for the Most Influential Filipino Women on LinkedIn and from your responses we curated a list of the 100 Most Influential Filipino Women on Linkedin inspired by and in partnership with Virginia Bautista who has published formidable lists like these for the past three years.

We want to celebrate each woman individually, shining a spotlight on her positive impact, wisdom, and experiences.

We asked for your nominations for the Most Influential Filipino Women on LinkedIn and from your responses we curated a list of the 100 Most Influential Filipino Women on Linkedin inspired by and in partnership with Virginia Bautista who has published formidable lists like these for the past three years.

We want to celebrate each woman individually, shining a spotlight on her positive impact, wisdom, and experiences.