I sat down with Rosaline Koo, a founder of CXA Group, and she quickly impressed me with her extensive knowledge of the ins and outs of business success.
Lately, there has been a real buzz around mindfulness. Corporate training seminars teach the benefits of mindfulness to working adults. Counsellors and child psychologists talk about the benefits of mindfulness training for kids in a world increasingly full of distractions from electronic gadgets and mobile connectivity.
On a rainy Wednesday evening last August 10 at A SPACE Makati, ladies (and some gentlemen) took their seats as they listened to three inspiring stories of women who have stepped up in their chosen fields of expertise.
I’m passing on my top tips to create a productive home office space. By implementing just a few of these tips, you'll become more efficient and have a more enjoyable working day!
I knew S R Nathan as one of the few genuine men. I have seen and experienced such a deep kindness about him. I knew him through my grandfather, as they were the pioneers who were considered the "builders" of this nation.
Two sick toddlers and one newborn does not make a happy mama! Sometimes, I think that it’s the universe’s way of telling me, “Hahaha, supermamapreneur that!”