Make no mistake - stress kills. It wreaks havoc on your sleep, can cause severe headaches, ruins your focus and much more. So, I’m handing you my five time-tested ways to beat stress and reduce tension in your everyday life.

Protein is a very important component of a healthy diet. Our bodies need protein for the repair and regeneration of muscles and other tissues. The production of hormones, enzymes and hemoglobin requires protein. Protein is also an excellent source of energy.

Who would have thought that behind the closed doors of Singapore’s residences, clutter would be an issue? But everyone loves something, and sometimes we love things too much. Then there are those of us who are the exact opposite; we don't love our spaces enough to keep them organised until we’re buried in overwhelm and are too shy to ask for help.

Digestion is one of the most complicated processes in the human system. It has to deal with everything you put in your mouth, and breaks down the food into smaller molecules so that they can be absorbed into the body and perform various functions.