I have a good friend in Canada who sends me emails about things he finds interesting, and he always types 'memo' in the subject line. That's all – just 'memo'. I have no idea whether there was a flash mob of sharks off the coast of Australia or aliens landed in New Zealand or a penguin swam to Singapore.
For the past twelve years I have specialised in chronic pain relief. I’ve helped people with acute and long-lasting pain issues to return to their best, so they can enjoy a pain-free and fulfilled life.
I used to be a ‘serial dieter’. I tried them all, from Weight Watchers, Atkins, Jenny Craig to self-created versions of what I thought would make me lose 15lbs or so.
By focusing on being healthy, you will want to eat foods that are not only good for you but that will also enable you to feel energized, have great skin, and build up your immunity.
Can you imagine a world where it will still take 117 years to reach gender parity? Wait, what’s ‘parity’? It’s a state of being equal, especially in status and pay. Experts are saying it will take you, as a woman, 117 years before you receive the same pay that your male counterpart has no problem asking for.
My Sunday Dinners is a tradition I started two years ago, where the family gathers around the dining table for a meal together. In this day and age, it’s not as simple as it sounds, especially with teenage children who have their own activities.
Foods that provide energy for your long working day are called macronutrients, and they fall into the following groups, listed below. However, there are good, bad and very ugly versions of each.
It can be tempting to simply invite everyone to your wedding. You are so excited about sharing this joyous occasion that you just can’t bear to leave anyone off the list. However, like it or not, you will not be able to invite everyone due to space or budget constraints.