I take inspiration from my different eating experiences, whether they be at a tapas bar or the local hawkers, or from reading Tan Hsueh Yun’s blogs. I still have a newspaper cutting of her Gochujang Chicken recipe, tempting me with its charred edges and shiny deliciousness!
According to Singapore’s Ministry of Health, the number one reason for hospital admittance is accidents (www.moh.gov.sg), and unexpected treatment does not come cheap.
This is a fantastic recipe to get your family to enjoy this very versatile curry. Loaded with flavours from spices and herbs, and textures from coconut, chicken and sweet potatoes – it is absolutely packed with the best of nutrients.
Deep-sea divers can become disoriented during dives and confuse down for up - an error that can be fatal. To avoid this, divers watch the air bubbles to see which way is up.
If you desire to make 2016 THAT break-through year for you - one where you finally transform your life and turn your dreams into reality ... then this is THE event for you.
One way or another, we’re all guilty of leaving wedding favours behind. The reason: What use do we have for them once we’re home? To avoid your guests leaving their favours behind (since it all costs money), why not give them something that they can actually use?
Many people start a business on their own. Being a solopreneur can be very rewarding in the beginning. You learn how to do everything and truly understand each aspect of your business … until you don’t.