Your heart is a very hard-working organ. It started pumping even before you were born and does not stop until you die. So, it is only right that you feed your heart with the right nutrients so that it can be working well non-stop.

Last month, my business partner and I decided to switch our bank account to DBS (Development Bank of Singapore). I must say, it was truly an exceptional experience. From entering its pod-like lobby at the Marina Bay Financial Centre, which looked like a cross between a five-star-hotel reception and a spaceship, I was mesmerised. Could this really be a bank?

As a coach, speaker and business person, my life revolves around people. The ability to truly connect with the people I sit with is vitally important for me. And when I first got started, I - being meticulous and careful - would sit down and plan everything out. After all, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail, right?  

Many literary enthusiasts will have encountered Arundhati Roy, and her Man Booker Prize-winning The God of Small Things. But there is more to Roy than just her writing – she is also an actress, and activist, an intellectual, a political commentator, and a powerful and vocal female role model across South Asia and the world.

She knew exactly what she wanted, to pursue marketing and PR and climb the ladder to corporate success. Alas, it was not what ShuQi Liu thought it would be, nor did it allow her to truly dive into her innate creativity. She decided it was time to build her own business which would better cater to her needs and those of new businesses who require branding and PR assistance.