My business is called R.A.W. Inside Out. Those letters spell RAW in big. But notice the full-stops. These make it an acronym for Radiantly Alive, Awakened and Aware Well-being. Yes, that’s 3 A’s crammed into 1.
The food you eat everyday could be killing you. I am not just talking about the notorious junk food, but the ones that are supposed to be nutritious and good, too.
I always sit down on Sunday evenings and open Google calendar to look at how I spent my time last week and my schedule for the coming week. It gives me a good overview of how I can better improve my time management and also what to expect in terms of meetings for the week and clarity on the items on my todo list.
As a business owner or an HR leader you may discover many of your employees or team members would like to have flexible working hours and working location options. A fixed routine could be one of the factors burning them out. Allowing them to come in to work at different times seems reasonable, acceptable and of course, feasible but does the thought of letting them work remotely send shivers down your spine? How are you going to manage your people being away from you? Are things ever going to get done?Regina Soh
If you’re like most people, you probably write at work all the time: messages to stakeholders and collaborators, proposals to clients, reports to senior managers, plus of course, a constant flow of emails to colleagues and customers. But how much importance do you and your organisation place on written communication?
With the summer months upon us, our minds drift to holidays, sandy beaches and refreshing cocktails. And what could be more refreshing than a zesty mojito?! The perfect summer cocktail.
The social media industry employs as much jargon as any other field does. If you’ve found yourself Googling back and forth checking terminologies at a social media seminar/webinar, look no further.
Healthy living is a lifestyle that many of us need to get into, but not many can afford. Not because it's not accessible, but mainly because we do not have enough education about it -- what we need and what we have to do. And then, there are people who live passionately by it, with a stronger force than most, helping them help us mere folk to realise that we need to take care of our well-being more.