For 10 weeks, my exercise routine gradually withered away, until the only movement I was doing was walking in slow motion and getting in and out of my bed, and on or off chairs.
Having worked in the PR and communications field over the past decade, I’m used to both pitching to journalists as well as formulating the strategy and angle behind a good story.
The magnanimous universe throws things our way and all of a sudden, life turns on a different lane. In my case, it is one without boxing gloves, without kicks, and without skipping ropes — and without fighting. I’d like to say dreams sometimes get crushed, but that would be melodramatic.
This is that time of the year when we all are looking forward to a deserving break in the form of a holiday. All the mandatory things are usually done – flight tickets, hotel and ‘must-see’ attraction bookings. But are we sure that we have looked into the most important part – fun?
I thought the first 3 months of pregnancy were tough. Morning sickness and the likes. Well, that was not until I came home and had to function like a normal person with 5 hours max sleep per night. Now that is intense, much more than the first 3 months of morning sickness.
In part 1, we learnt about the different types of team collaboration. Now we are going to delve into what you can do to foster team collaboration within and between your teams.
One of the biggest traits of an entrepreneur is our gungho, do-it-yourself attitude. This is usually borne from necessity, due to lack of funds. When you’ve just started a business, there is often little choice but to bootstrap it.Vicki Lew