The other day, an entrepreneur shared with me that he recently discovered he was running the leanest company in his industry. Other companies in the same industry had 3 or 4 times his number of staff, much higher overheads and much lower profits. They also happened to have raised funding.
There are many pressures from society and family to be a certain version of successful. Usually, this means wealthy or socially important, instead of healthy, happy and great at what you do. But doing things to make lots of money or for superficial social status will not lead to a fulfilling life.
We put the spotlight on Gunilla — a mother, a photographer and owner of Sugarlight Photography. Here, we find out not only what her business is, but the beliefs and passion she shares and exudes in every photo she takes. Find inspiration as you read about her journey, her techniques, her most cherished moments as a photographer and how her passion for making people laugh and feel comfortable makes for fantastic ingredients of a photo.
Just like eating the right diet can prevent heart disease, high blood pressure or cancer, certain foods can boost the brain power. Giving every brain cells a steady supply of the right nutrients helps keep them alive and working properly.
Does life get in the way of you being your happiest and healthiest best? As we dash between work, family, friends, social events, and more, living becomes exhausting. Yet, we would cope far better by making time for our Health & Vitality.
In this week's blogpost, I want to share a powerful tip that will supercharge your week ahead. I read a quote recently that says most people mistake activity for productivity.