It smacks us all – usually mid-afternoon, when we’re trying to get through a productive period at work, and muster up energy for the remaining 8 or so hours of our day.
We all love our jobs but we must never be a slave to work. It can be difficult to compartmentalize, because no matter how much people try to separate work, family, friends, and hobbies, the demands of work just creep in. And the fact is, you can't ditch work. It pays the bills.
Like they say in Forrest Gump: “Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re going to get.” Well, firework photos are JUST like that, the patterns, timing and perspective are all in constant change… and you never know what you’re going to get.
The end of the year marks a threshold and invites a pause for reflection. It’s a great time to take stock of the year behind and look ahead.Irene Gomez
As a child, I didn’t want to grow up, because I perceived adults to be “boring people, who stopped believing in miracles and forgot how to celebrate life.”
As the adage goes, "Education is the best gift you can give." We always aim to give this to our children, but how about also considering changing the life of your helper and her children back home?Vida Lyn Dumadag